Hyper Speed Grandoll is a 3-ep OVA about an alien girl, an extra-terrestrial mecha, and youthful love. Grandoll combines element from Tekkaman Blade, Braves series and Iczer. With a straightforward, relatable plot and beautiful combat, Grandoll will bring you on a much-needed refreshment full of love, humor, tragedy and badass mecha action.

Plot: Containing elements from Gaogaigar and Tekkaman Blade, Hikaru is a mysterious girl from space that crash-landed on Earth and was adopted by a human couple. She grew up just like every normal high school girl (as well as a Tokusatsu fangirl). She’s got dreams for the future, close friends and an innocent crush. But suddenly the Earth is attacked by an alien force and help comes from a most unexpected place. Blessed by the Super Robot Grand Knight, Hikaru now can transform in Grandoll to combat the threat.
Animation: I swear I could see Obari-sensei’s style in this OVA but couldn’t find any credit for him. Anyway, the animation is dynamic and extra rule-of-cool, really showing off the high school girl energy.
Mecha Design: Grand Knight is straight up a Pink Braves. Hikaru’s suit is very reminiscent of Iczer and a bit from Megaman. The design seems to be a collab between Toshinari Yamashita and Yoshinari Sayama.
Music: Grandoll got a decent set of tracks. Due to the emotional ups and downs of the series, the OST really lend a hand in accentuate the atmosphere of the anime, which is very nice.
In conclusion, Grandoll is a great ride from start to finish. Although short and there are much more room to grow, Grandoll really finish with a bang.
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