Episode 17 of GBDR features a folklore story from Cuadorn - the Sacred Beast. So basically El Dora once had humans (or humanoid creature that looks 99,99% human) living on it. But they went to war against aliens (ELS? lol) and then left the planet because it was damaged massively. Some left for space, some "transfer" their data to GBN. That's one of the very crazy technological plot, basically they digitalized their bodies and sent it through a space-time network that somehow connected to GBN network (which might be the true identity of the El-Divers) . We also got Alus' origin (an AI created to protect El Dora), what happened to Masaki (he got bamboozled by Alus) and many other expositional info.
No combat this week, though it served as a setup episode for the Uraven's debut next episode. One thing tho, the thing Cuadorn wanted to confirm with Build Divers at the end of their talk is most likely their fate if they fail. It's probably they will die for real if they die on El Dora. That's why we see Par and Kazami pondering for long moments, thinking hard about going then we have May basically not scared at all since she knows she's not flesh and blood. Hiroto also got some pep-talk with his dad but I honestly can't understand his speech since it was kinda cryptic.
P/S: Best girl Hinata shows up this episode, worrying about Hiroto. God she's cute.

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